Fake GPS

You are being followed? Say NO tracking! Defend your freedom!

How it works?

You write down the fake route in advance or just draw it on the map. Then disable tracker and start to transmit data using our software instead. Traffic controller will be absolutely sure that you are moving or standing still (it depends on your aims), while you can actually be in a completely different place.

Software service "Fake GPS" supports any monitoring service and a variety of different models of trackers. All you need to know is IMEI of your tracker and which server it is configured for monitoring.

How to start?

Below you can read about three simple steps that will help you to start using our service.

Step 1.    Create your track

  • Write your real way with the Android application.
  • Draw your fake way on map and save GPX file.
  • Take any file in GPX format.

Step 2.    Get application
Download FakeGPSTracker for Windows.
   FakeGPSTracker.exe, v1.2, size 52Kb
   FakeGPSTracker.zip, v1.2, size 18Kb
(.NET Framework 3.5 required)
Step 3.    Start application and check device Run FakeGPSTracker, open the GPX file, set the IMEI, select a device, server, and then click "Start".

To check, you can use our server "fakegps.com", port "5569" and protocol "Meitrack".

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How the monitoring system works?

GPS- tracker determines the coordinates and transmits the data via GPRS-channel to the monitoring server where the traffic controller can track your location in real time.

How to get rid of tracking?

If the signal of transmitter will be muffled, the traffic controller immediately understands that the tracker stopped working for some reason and raises the alarm. To avoid this, you need to pass false coordinates to the server to simulate device’s work. It is exactly the possibility that service "Fake GPS" provides.

Why you need to get rid of tracking? A lot of reasons. For example:

  • Parents control their children. But children may have their secrets?
  • Strict boss wants to be constantly aware of where the employee is. And if you need to absent in case of personal urgent matters? The boss doesn’t have to know about it.
  • Traffic controller keeps track of all the routes of the auto. Should he know why the driver made a detour and stopped in here or there?

Just imagine yourself being constantly monitored and you will understand why privacy should be really private!

Extra information



What monitoring services "Fake GPS" works with?

Functioning of "Fake GPS" does not depend on monitoring service , so you can use any of them . For example:

  • wialon.com
  • gps-trace.com
  • gpsmonitor.us
  • livegpstracks.com
  • gps-monitor.eu
  • livegps.eu
  • gps-tracker.com.ua
And a lot of other services.

What are the supported models of trackers?

We add new models permanently. Here the following popular GPS- trackers which are supported now:

  • ConCox GT-03, GT-03B, GK-301, GT-02, GT-06, GT-06N, GW-101, GS-503
  • Meitrack MVT100, MVT340, MVT380, MVT600, MVT800, MT90, T1, T3, TC68, TC68S
  • Queclink GL-200, GT-100, GT-200
  • RTT Protocol
  • Xexun TK-102, 102-2, 103 and others TK.
  • Wialon Protocol

How do I know the server address and port?

Go to the monitoring service website and find the instructions on how to connect your model. Server address and port must be given there.

How do I know my IMEI tracker?

IMEI can be printed on the device, on the back of GPS- tracker (inside or outside).

Contact: admin@fakegps.com
© 2013-2025 FakeGPS